Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


The theme for GLG 2019.

We are just settling after a wonderful week of learning and worshiping April 25-26. Our Forward Training Center marketing coordinator attended the Jobs for Life Global Leadership Gathering 2019. Forward Training Center of Hood County was represented all the way in Raleigh, North Carolina among Jobs for Life leaders from around the globe and nation.

How did Jobs for Life begin? JFL all started because a church needed its parking lot paved, and the pastor prayed hard about it. Pastor McCoy hired a man named Christopher Mangum to pave the Pleasant Hill United Church of Christ parking lot. Quickly, a close friendship was established complete with weekly lunch visits.

During one of these lunches in 1996, Christopher voiced his concern about his company’s lack of employees at the time. Pastor McCoy explained that his congregation was full of able-bodied men and women trying to find good, dignified work. They prayed. Chris had the jobs, Pastor McCoy had the people. Soon, other churches and businesses were involved that had similar needs. That day, Jobs for Life was born. Their goal was to get six people into jobs.

Jobs for Life is now a huge network of churches, ministries, and businesses all over the world, training thousands of men and women for dignified work. We are lucky to have Jobs for Life curriculum in the heart of Granbury, Texas.

In just two short days, we collaborated and worshipped together, focusing on shining the light on our students through the JFL curriculum. Jobs for Life Board members, the CEO, staff members and volunteers shared their wisdom and experience to help each attendee make an even bigger impact in their own communities.

Topics included overcoming obstacles to get our students hired, growing our student body, how to help the materially poor in our community with God’s word, increasing student engagement and building our city network!

It’s our goal to help the unemployed and underemployed men and women in our community find meaningful, dignified, sustainable work through God’s word in the JFL and Chamer’s Center  curriculums.

We would love to tell you even more about it. Give us a call at 817-573-6677 or email [email protected]