What we learn when we read the Good Samaritan Parable from Luke 10:25 is to show mercy to others whenever the opportunity is before us, and indeed we are to seek out opportunities to do good and serve.
Ron Buckallew, Program Manager, presenting the Forward Training Center story using the Good Samaritan Model. Here is an animated link to another great presentation on YouTube.
Forward Training Center is an organization designed to partner with non-profits, food banks, churches, and other agencies to build foundations for our students to become self-sufficient and God-reliant.
Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.
To date, over 400 men and women have joined the community workforce in Hood County with biblical values, confidence, dignity, and hope for their future and the City’s future.
Please call us at (817) 573-6677, visit our website, www.ftc.greenfoxdev.com or stop in and talk to someone about what we offer to help you be successful. Our address is: 600 W. Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048.